灌裝範圍:1L-5L灌裝頭:可根據客戶要求選擇6或8個灌裝容量:6個灌裝頭的5L 600BPH基本容量8個灌裝頭的5L 800BPH基本適用於油液包裝:植物油,潤滑油,食用油,葵花籽油等.....為什麼適合1:用於不同的瓶子形狀:圓形,扁平等,用於不同形狀的瓶子,它們可以在一台灌裝機上共享,無需更換備件2:不滴落,在灌裝頭內,灌裝後如果沒有,請抽真空。

規格1,灌裝精度高2,灌裝速度和容積可調3,易於操作和維護4,用於液體,油脂,香水等。適用於醫藥,日用品,食品和特殊行業,是理想的設備用於填充膠水。特點:本機採用氣動控制,適用範圍廣,計量調節簡單,外形美觀,清洗方便,適用於防爆機組。半自動液體灌裝機的工作原理是活塞式灌裝機。由氣缸和由材料製成的活塞驅動,並帶有五通閥控制物料流,磁簧開關控制氣缸的行程可調節加料量。 。合理的...



用於潤滑油/ 200L滾筒的鼓式填充機

VKPAK engine oil filling machine, engine oil filler is design and manufacturing specially for filling engine oil, lube oil, gear oil and any other types of car oil, the oil filler is an extremely flexible filler , it is capable of filling any other liquids without corrosive. The VKPAK automatic engine oil filling machine is manufactured with a 304 stainless steel frame and is capable of supporting 2 to 20 fill nozzles to meet customer needs, max speed can reach 5,000bottles per hour for 5 liters bottle, it is PLC Controls, touch screen operation, 304SS or 316SS contact parts, stainless...

The VK-PF Fully automatic lube oil bottles filling capping labeling line is an extremely flexible filler capable of filling accurately and rapidly any viscosity liquids. Product delivery from your bulk tank to the pistons can be configured with a buffer tank utilizing a level-sensing float, a manifold with direct draw, or recirculation methods. The VKPAK automatic linear piston filler is manufactured with a 304 stainless steel frame and is capable of supporting 1 to 12 fill nozzles PLC Controls, touch screen, food grade contact parts, stainless steel and anodized aluminum construction, plus many more features come standard. VKPAK automatic piston...